Uden reservationsafgifter
Gratis afbestilling af de fleste reservationer!
Vores priser er op til 50% mindre end skitjenesterpriserne i kurorterne. Liftkortene vil du få af vores repræsentant i kurorten morgenen af skipakkernes startdato eller den foregående aften efter at du har aftalt et møde med ham/hende. Du behøver ikke at stå og vente på kassen, som kunne tage dig mere end 1 time i den højeste sæson. De reserverede skiudstyr kan hentes fra den nævnede skigarderobe. Du vil være henvist til garderoben af vores repræsentant. Liftkorterne er KUN til personlig brug. Vigtigt: Hurtig online bestilling er kun muligt mindst 3 dage før skitjenesternes startdato. Bestilling af skipakker med startdato indenfor de kommende tre dage er til rådighed kun på anmodning.
Repræsentant in Borovets (December - March): Tanko Kovalev / +359 889 701 445
bestil nu» Klik her for information om skipakkerne
Please note that these prices are valid only if the ski package in booked in advance at Iglika-borovets.com and are not available in the resort.
1. In case of cancellation of ski services 3 days or less prior to the first date of the ski service, or no-show, the amounts for these services will not be refunded.
2. Lost tickets for pre-booked ski services will not be reissued. The guest can purchase ski services from the nearest Borosport desk.
3. In case of inclement weather or other adverse weather conditions the affected ski lifts will not operate. No refunds will be paid.
4. The services included in the ski pack can be used only together. It is prohibited to separate and use any services from the pack individually. Only one person can use the tickets from the ski pack. The tickets are not transferable.
Children are 7 - 11.99 years old. Snowboard services are provided only to children older than 8 years.
Ski school is 4 hours/day including ski evening.
6-day snowboard school (booked separately or as a part of Full snowboard package) for beginners is 6 days, 2 hours/day including ski evening.
6-day snowboard school (booked separately or as a part of Full snowboard package) for intermediate level snowboarders is 4 days, 3 hours/day including ski evening.
Ski kindergarten is for children 4-6.99 years old
Ski kindergarten is open 7 days/week 08:30 am - 04:30 pm, and includes:
Supervision; Lunch; Games, sweets, tea; Borokids entertainments; Ski pack (skies, boots, 2 hours daily tuition, child helmet).
Nursery (non-ski) is available for children 2-3.99 years old (76EUR/3 days, 135EUR/6 days, 203UR/9 days, 271EUR/13 days) - please contact us. Nursery includes: lunch; games, sweets, tea.
Packages with ski/board tuition for 3 days do not include a Graduation Evening.
Ski/Snowboard school prices include a special certificate issued after the end of the tuition.